This website presents general information about Fee & Jeffries, P.A. (the “Firm”), and information contained in this website is not intended to be nor should it be considered legal advice. Any information contained in our website should not be acted upon without seeking professional advice from a lawyer licensed in your state or country. Please be aware that merely contacting Fee & Jeffries, P.A., or any individual at the Firm will not establish an attorney/client relationship. We cannot represent you until it is determined that there is no conflict of interest and that the
Firm is otherwise able to accept representation of your case or matter. Please do not send any information or documents to the Firm until a formal attorney/client relationship has been established through a meeting with one of the Firm’s attorneys and the attorney/client relationship has been confirmed in the form of an engagement letter signed by both you and an attorney in the Firm. Any information or documents sent prior to your receipt of an engagement letter signed by the Firm cannot be treated as confidences, secrets or protected information of any nature.
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision which
should not be based solely upon information you review on our website. Prior to your making a decision, we are happy to provide you with additional information regarding our qualifications and experience.
The Firm maintains offices in Tampa, Florida, with its principal office located at 1227 N. Franklin St., Tampa, Florida 33602. All of the Firm’s attorneys are licensed to practice in the State of Florida and before the courts and in other jurisdictions described on each individual attorney’s biography.
Third-party resources may from time to time be accessible from hypertext links found on the Firm’s website. These resources are not under the control of the Firm, and the Firm is not responsible for the contents of any of these third-party resources. The third-party hypertext links presented on this website are provided for your convenience only, and inclusion of any link on this website does not imply any recommendation, approval or endorsement of that site by the Firm. We do not permit or allow advertising on our website. Any pop-up advertisements that may appear while you are accessing the website are not generated by access to the Firm’s website, nor are they endorsed by the Firm.
Copyright Notice
© 2011 FEE & JEFFRIES, P.A. All rights reserved. The Firm claims a copyright in all proprietary and copyrightable text, graphics and computer code on this website, the overall design of this website, and the selection, arrangement and presentation of all materials on this website, including information in the public domain.
Privacy Policy
The Firm does not collect personally identifying information from visitors to this website unless provided by the visitor or the visitor’s browser. The Firm will not use information provided through your use of this website except to respond to direct inquiries or to measure traffic and traffic trends at this website. We do not provide or sell any of this information to third parties.
Photo Credits
Photos: Attorney and office photos are property of Fee & Jeffries, P.A. All photos were taken by John Waldron of J. Monroe Productions.
Website Design
This website was designed and is maintained by Marketing Associates USA, 100 Madison St., Suite 300, Tampa, Florida 33602; Tel: 813-636-3333. For problems concerning this website, contact: tboatright@maiusa.com.